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Home / Resources / News / Transnational Democracy / Page 3
  • Open letter to Angela Merkel

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  • EU can do it! Sign our petition to the EU Parliament on Covid19

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  • conference europe

    For a Conference on a Future on Europe open to civil society

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  • The most ‘European’ Europeans? The politically invisible 17 million EU citizens

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  • The dawn of a Europe of many visions: an accessible guide to the European party manifestos

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  • A new European Politics must start today

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  • Charta 2020: A Charter of European Public Goods

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  • Citizens Choose an EU Citizens Assembly to Renew EU Democracy

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  • Reconciliation in the Balkans: A Call to Support the Prespes Agreement

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  • A new report, backed by key Corbyn supporters proposes “remain and reform”

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  • Real representation as Europeans

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  • What Europe Does Ukraine need? A Statement on the European International

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  • Acting for Freedom of Movement in Poland

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  • Cities for Change as Global Alternatives

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  • The Voice of the Majority: an example for political change in Germany

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  • Dutch elections: Hope for Europe?

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  • On the Road to Rome

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  • For an international peace movement for Syria

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  • No to the Europe of Walls: Building Together the European Democracy

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  • Civil Society Forum Skopje: 24 – 26 November

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  • Ensuring a fair digital single market

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  • This is Sweden, but not as we know it.

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  • Denmark: report from a closed Schengen border

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  • Blockupy: A European OXI

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