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We’re always on the lookout for new contributions to the EA journal.

Taking an intersectional approach, we’re looking for topical content – text, audio, video and visual – that addresses the critical themes that affect us all from a transnational, transversal perspective. We cover a range of issues including climate, democracy, workers’ rights, social and economic policy, antiracism, decolonisation, feminism, Roma rights, LGBTQIA+ rights and more.

We hope the journal can be a space to bring together thinkers and actors (and especially people who are both at the same time!) to explore novel ideas and engage in critical reflection on our work and the social movements around us.

We strongly encourage submissions from people from minoritised and underrepresented backgrounds.

Contact our editor Seema Syeda at if you’d like to contribute to the journal.

  • Dr Amiera Sawas

    Dr. Amiera Sawas is Head of Research and Policy at the The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative.

    She is a feminist researcher and advocate who works at the intersections of climate change, gender justice, public participation and the social contract. Amiera has a PhD on water, climate and human rights in Pakistan and is a contributing author to the IPCC sixth assessment report on gender and climate security. As a person of both Syrian and Irish heritage, with close links to Pakistan, she has lived life with an acute awareness of the impacts of colonial histories and believes passionately in the need to decolonise.

  • Aliyah Davies

    Aliyah Davies is a campaigner for the 4 Day Week Campaign, the UK’s national campaign organisation for a four-day working week with no loss of pay. She has a background in politics, with in-depth knowledge of national politics and the Parliamentary process, having previously worked for a member of the UK Parliament for a number of years.

  • Esther Lynch

    Esther Lynch is General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation.

  • Alvaro Oleart

    Alvaro Oleart is a FNRS postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Political Science and the Institute for European Studies of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. He is the author of “Framing TTIP in the European Public Spheres: Towards an Empowering Dissensus for EU integration” (Palgrave, 2021) and “Democracy Without Politics in EU Citizen Participation: From European Demoi to Decolonial Multitude” (Palgrave, 2023).

  • Ami Weickaane

    Ami Weickaane, known by her alias Bluuu, is a versatile creative professional
    with a rich and diverse background who defies classification. Born in Dakar, she has spent much of her life in Paris. With over two decades working in creative industries, Bluu is known for her work as a visual poet, artist-activist, curator, and content producer. She is also an independent researcher and lecturer, focusing on subjects like arts, heritage, gender, ecology, and African descendants. She is on the transnational board of European Alternatives.

  • Bertie Coyle

    Bertie Coyle is a writer who takes action against climate collapse and border violence with Just Stop Oil. Just Stop Oil has formed Umbrella, a new hub to coordinate the creation of radical, nonviolent projects. Take part in this revolution at

  • Celia Zayas

    Celia Zayas is an expert on cultural cooperation and gender equality. She is a co-organizer, curator and communicator of Festival Sãlôngô. She is a participant of European Alternatives’ Democracy, Elections, Mentoring & Organizing (DEMO) project).

  • Dina Ntziora

    Dina Ntziora is an Engagement Manager and Researcher. She specialises in fostering inclusive and collaborative practices. A participant on the European Alternatives’ Democracy, Elections, Mentoring, and Organising programme, she is a dedicated activist and producer, with a keen focus on promoting inclusion, well-being, and ethical principles.

  • Marion Colard

    Marion Colard is a self-taught visual artist, and has been working with Roma communities for eight years.

  • Péter Tasnádi-Sáhy

    Péter Tasnádi-Sáhy runs forum-theatre workshops for Ukrainian refugees at Dévai Inn (Budapest) and several other places. He holds a Master’s diploma in theatre directing from the University of Art Targu Mures and is currently a DLA candidate at BBU. 

  • Ron Salaj

    Ron Salaj is a researcher and activist working at the intersection of technology for development, critical studies of AI, political philosophy, and the design of participatory processes for a democratic approach to new emerging technologies. He currently coordinates a Master’s program on “ICT for Development and Social Good,” delivered by the University of Turin and Impactskills, where he also serves as a Research Fellow.

  • Rafa Font

    Rafa Font writes the newsletter The European Perspective, telling stories of the sociocultural, non-institutional Europe. He is an IT Engineer working for European institutions, a Green activist, and a Work From Anywhere advocate. You can find him on Mastodon:

  • Seema Syeda

    Seema Syeda

    Seema Syeda is Head of Communications at European Alternatives. She has a varied background in publishing, law and organizing with a key focus on dismantling racial capitalism. Seema has recently started a substack @seemasyeda. She writes this article in her capacity as a campaigner at Another Europe Is Possible.

  • Segolene Pruvot

    Ségolène Pruvot

    Ségolène Pruvot is a Director of European Alternatives. A Doctor in Urban Sociology, she specialised in the exploration of the intersection between arts, the city and social change. Ségolène has extensive experience in designing and implementing transnational participative cultural programmes and research. She has coordinated the project Room to Bloom.