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Home / Resources / News
  • European Alternatives is looking for a Project coordinator to join our team

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  • Transeuropa Festival 2024

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  • The end of corruption must be the beginning of transformation

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  • French parliamentary elections: our democracies need to be reshaped 

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  • The rise of the far-right is no surprise – getting serious about changing this system must start now

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  • Movement Learning Catalyst: building a learning community across struggles and places. 

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  • Citizens Take Over Europe: Protecting and Reinforcing Our Democracies

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  • A common space of alternatives

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  • TEA Final recommendations

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  • European Alternatives is looking for a Project Manager to join our team

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  • Collective Care – Online Workshop Series

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  • OUT NOW: EU Elections Special

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  • Pact for Equality Campaign

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  • Be Fierce! Join our Five Claims for a Feminist Europe.

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  • By The Many! Campaign

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    We’re Hiring a Fundraising Manager in Berlin

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  • Power to the People

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  • Call for Advocates for the Pact for Equality Campaign

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    OUT NOW EA Journal Issue 5

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  • Poster Competition

    Imagine, Demand, Enact! Poster Competition Eu Elections 2024

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  • Call for freelance feminist communications services

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  • Fluid Connections – Open Call for Emerging Artists & Thinkers

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  • Job offer: Campaign Coordinator

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  • Online open discussion with Laura Sullivan and Mashanti Alina

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