Mar 28, 2024
Imagine, Demand, Enact! Poster Competition Eu Elections 2024
The EU elections are coming up this June and it’s time to get creative!
Do you want to use your budding art and design skills to promote basic rights and social transformation? We have an exciting opportunity open to anyone who wants to get their creative juices flowing.
We’re running a competition to select the most inspiring, original, and powerful posters to promote social justice, citizens’ and migrants rights, and voter engagement ahead of the European Elections 2024.
We’re looking for submissions on key transnational themes including climate, the economy, the cost of living crisis, workers rights, wom*n’s rights, the rights of minoritised communities, LGBTQI+ issues, housing rights, healthcare and other key topics that affect us all across borders. We especially welcome decolonial, feminist and intersectional messages.
So what are you waiting for? Get your designs in now. Anyone can submit a design. We particularly encourage under 25s, unemployed and precariously employed people and people from minoritised, racialised and LGBTQI+ groups to make entries.
Send your submissions to with subject line ‘POSTER COMPETITION’. Your design should fit an A4, A3, A2 or A1 poster format.
DEADLINE: 11 April 2024, but we will be reviewing submissions on a rolling basis. Don’t wait to get yours in!
PRIZE: The winners will be awarded 500 EUR and a travel opportunity to visit Marseille from the 25-28th of April – keep the date free.