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Home / Who we are / Board

Advisory board

The advisory board includes leading thinkers, artists and activists from throughout europe and beyond, who advise the organisation on its message, its strategy, on formats of activities, on partners and potential stakeholders.

  • Sigrid Gareis

    Sigrid is the Secretary General of the “Akademie der Künste der Welt” (Academy of the Arts of the World) in Cologne, a member of the Board of Allianz Cultural Foundation, and a Trustee of Festspielhaus Hellerau/Dresden. She is the founding director of Tanzquartier Wien.

  • Raffaella Bolini

    Raffaella is International Director and a member of the National Board of ARCI, the largest cultural association in Italy with one million members and formed by 5.000 local community centers promoting citizenship, democracy and rights. She is also vice-president of the European Civic Forum, a member of the International Council of the World Social Forum, a member of the Executive Committee of the Euromed Network for Human Rights and a member of the Board of SOLIDAR.

  • Tania Bruguera

    Tania is a Cuban installation and performance artist. She studied at the Instituto Superior de Arte in Havana and then earned an M.F.A. in performance from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago- She is the founder and director of Arte de Conducta (behavior art), the first performance studies program in Latin America, which is hosted by Instituto Superior de Arte in Havana. From 2003-2010, she was an Assistant Professor at the Department of Visual Arts of The University of Chicago, United States and is an invited professor at the University IUAV in Venice, Italy.

  • Etienne Balibar

    Etienne is Professor Emeritus of moral and political philosophy at Université de Paris X – Nanterre and Distinguished Professor of Humanities at the University of California, Irvine. He has published widely in the area of European citizenship and moral and political philosophy in general. His many works include Lire le Capital (with Louis Althusser, Jacques Rancière); Spinoza et la politique (1985); We, Citizens of Europe? (2001); Politics and the Other Scene (2002); L’Europe, l’Amérique, la Guerre. Réflexions sur la mediationeuropéenne (2003); Europe, Constitution, Frontière (2005).

  • Gianluca Solera

    Gianluca was among the co-founders of the first Italian Green political platform, in the City of Mantua. After his studies on urban and regional affairs in Venice, Paris and Berlin, he was political advisor to the Green Party in the European Parliament for ten years, as well as coordinator of the Spanish Green Party in Europe for two years. At the Anna Lindh Foundation for the dialogue between cultures, over the last eight years (2005-2012), he has built a network of 4,000 organisations from more than forty countries between Europe, the Arab world, Israel and Turkey. He is author of several books, among which Walls, Tears and Za‘tar (Nuovadimensione, 2007) and A Mediterranean Awakening (Nuovadimensione, 2013). He is a member of the Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly.

  • Engin Isin

    Engin holds a Chair in Citizenship and is Professor of Politics at the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Open University. He is the author of Cities Without Citizens (Montreal, 1992), Being Political (Minneapolis, 2002) and Citizens Without Frontiers (London, 2012). He has edited with Greg Nielsen, Acts of Citizenship (London, 2008). Isin is currently conducting three main research projects: (i) concerning postorientalist conceptions of citizenship; (ii) concerning ‘acts’ especially those that constitute subjects as claimants of justice traversing frontiers; and, (iii) concerning ‘digital citizenship’ with a focus on governing conduct in cyberspace.

  • Philippe Van Parijs

    Philippe Van Parijs studied philosophy, law, political economy, sociology and linguistics at the Facultés universitaires Saint Louis (Brussels) and the Universities of Louvain, Oxford, Bielefeld and California (Berkeley). He holds doctorates in the social sciences (Louvain, 1977) and in philosophy (Oxford, 1980).

    He is Professor at the Faculty of economic, social and political sciences of the University of Louvain (UCL), where he has directed the Hoover Chair of economic and social ethics since its creation in 1991. He has also been a special guest professor at the KuLeuven’s Higher Institute for Philosophy since 2006. From 2004 onwards he was for several years a Regular Visiting Professor of Philosophy at Harvard University.

  • Sandro Mezzadra

    Sandro teaches political theory at the University of Bologna and is adjunct fellow at the Institute for Culture and Society of the University of Western Sydney. He has been visiting professor and research fellow in several places, including the Humboldt Universität (Berlin), Duke University, Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (Paris), University of Ljubljana, FLACSO Ecuador, and UNSAM (Buenos Aires). In the last decade his work has particularly centered on the relations between globalization, migration and citizenship. Among his works: “Diritto di fuga. Migrazioni, cittadinanza, globalizzazione” (ombre corte, 2006) and “La condizione postcoloniale” (ombre corte, 2008). With Brett Neilson he is the author of “Border as Method, or, the Multiplication of Labor” (Duke University Press, 2013).

  • Wang Hui

    Wang Hui is a Professor in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Tsinghua University in Beijing. He was named one of the top 100 public intellectuals in the world in 2008 by Foreign Policy, and is the author of The End of the RevolutionChina’s New OrderThe Politics of Imagining Asia,and China’s Twentieth Century.

Transnational Board of Trustees

The board of trustees is legally empowered to oversee the running of the organization, set its strategy and approve its work program. It does so in dialogue with members and partners through regular surveys, questionnaires and forums to understand the priorities and interests of the organization.

  • Ami Weickaane

    Ami Weickaane, known by her alias Bluuu, is a versatile creative professional
    with a rich and diverse background who defies classification. Born in Dakar, she has spent much of her life in Paris. With over two decades working in creative industries, Bluu is known for her work as a visual poet, artist-activist, curator, and content producer. She is also an independent researcher and lecturer, focusing on subjects like arts, heritage, gender, ecology, and African descendants. She is on the transnational board of European Alternatives.

  • Lorenzo Marsili

    Lorenzo Marsili is an activist philosopher and writer. The cofounder of transnational political NGO European Alternatives and the cultural institution Fondazione Rizoma, he currently works as director of the berggruen institute Europe. his research and political work focus on defining and promoting futures beyond the nation-state. A regular public speaker and international media commentator, he was the founding editor of the independent journal Naked Punch Review in London and Beijing. He has degrees in philosophy and sinology from the University of London, and his books include Il Terzo Spazio (Laterza, 2017), Citizens of Nowhere (Zed Books, 2018), La tua patria è il mondo intero (Laterza, 2019), and Planetary Politics (Polity Press, 2020).

  • Luke Cooper

    Luke Cooper an Associate Professorial Research Fellow in International relations with the Conflict and Civicness Research Group based at LSE IDEAS, the LSE’s in-house foreign policy think tank, and the Director of PeaceRep’s Ukraine programme. He has written extensively on nationalism, authoritarianism and the theory of uneven and combined development and is the author of Authoritarian Contagion (Bristol University Press, 2021). He is a co-founder of the UK-based anti-Brexit campaign group, Another Europe Is Possible and a co-host of the Another Europe podcast. In 2021, he published Between Dream and Tragedy: Europe’s Story After 1989, a six-part history documentary on the history of European integration with the Institute of Human Sciences in Vienna (IWM).

  • Jelena Vasiljević

    Jelena Vasiljević is a Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade. Her academic background is in political anthropology and citizenship studies, and her research and activist interests include citizenship rights, civic engagement, social movements, and cultural memory in Southeast Europe. Presently, she is primarily interested in theories and practices of solidarity. As a member of a green-left political coalition, she has served as a Belgrade city councillor.

  • Niccolo Milanese

    Niccolò Milanese

    Niccolò Milanese is a poet and one of the founding directors of European Alternatives. He fosters the development of the organisation, its staff and the ecosystem around European Alternatives and is the focal point for the ‘learn’ stream of our work.

    He is currently a fellow of BI-Europe in Venice. In addition to longstanding work on transnationalism and political imaginaries, his current interests are in the planetary politics of desire, democratic education and fluid identities. His latest book is ‘Illiberal Democracies in Europe: An Authoritarian response to the crisis of liberalism’ available freely here.

    He was previously a Europe’s Futures Fellow at IWM, Vienna, a visiting fellow at PUC Rio-De Janeiro, at UNAM Mexico, and at EUI School of Transnational Governance in Florence. He has been involved in founding numerous civil society initiatives and magazines in Europe and across the Mediterranean. He was educated in Cambridge, Siena and Paris.



  • Ovidiu Ţichindeleanu

    Ovidiu Ţichindeleanu is a Romanian philosopher, translator, educator and culture theorist, writing on critical social theory, decolonial thought, international politics, and cultural history. Editor of the Romanian journal of contemporary art and critical theory IDEA arts + society, and collections coordinator at IDEA publishing house. He has been active in movements for global justice and peace, and his work foregrounds cultural activism on transnational, transperipheral and intercultural connections, and political journalism in the Romanian platforms Indymedia, CriticAtac, and the regional and international outlets LeftEast, Cross-Border Talks, or East European Context.

  • Rasha Shaaban

    Rasha is a local from Gothenburg and Alexandria. She is a feminist, a storyteller, a content producer, an experimental cook, a humour-lover, a diversity advocate, a DJ, a network builder and a very passionate project leader. Since 2006, I have been working on promoting intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Med region. She is currently working at the National Museums of World Culture (Sweden) as a projects manager and coordinator of the Anna Lindh Foundation network in Sweden. 

    Rasha has collaborated with European Alternatives in the framework of the following initiatives: Room to Bloom, Democracy Doesn’t Exist. We Make It and WoMidan: Women Voices from the Square.

  • Segolene Pruvot

    Ségolène Pruvot

    Ségolène Pruvot is a Director of European Alternatives. Ségolène is a Doctor in Urban Sociology. In the course of her academic career and professional life, she specialised in the exploration of the intersection between arts, the city and social change. She trained as a political scientist and urban planner in France, the UK, and Germany.

    Segolene has developed extensive experience in designing and implementing transnational participative cultural programmes, activists transnational networking and collaborative research.



  • Alessandro Valera

    Alessandro is the Launch Director of Ashoka Italy. He’s an Italian national and a global citizen passionate about social change and transnational movements. At European Alternatives he took responsibility for the Citizens Pact and Manifesto.

  • Rasha Shaaban

    Rasha joined the board of European Alternatives in September 2016.  She is currently working at the National Museum of World Cultures as coordinator of the Anna Lindh Foundation civil society network in Sweden. Her work includes mainly the coordination of the biggest network of Swedish organisations (governmental and non-governmental) on intercultural dialogue. She is in charge of organising national and regional events to promote intercultural dialogue around different topics. Since the beginning of 2015, she has also been in charge of the transnational project called “WoMidan” (WoMen of the Square) which aims at empowering women activism for social change.

  • Guilhem Delteil

    Guilhem’s first advocacy for democracy was through his job orientation. Believing in the importance of freedom of speech, he became a journalist. Willing to confront his views on news with the ones of people with different backgrounds, he’s now working for an international broadcaster employing journalists from over 20 countries. Looking for a more active way to weight on the evolution of society and convinced that challenges can’t be faced anymore at the national level, he became involved in European Alternatives in 2010. He’s been the president of Alternatives Européennes in France since 2013.

  • Lorenzo Marsili

    Lorenzo Marsili is a philosopher, activist, and one of the co-founders of European Alternatives. He previously worked in cultural journalism in London and Beijing, where he founded the journal Naked Punch Review. He was the initiator of the European Initiative for Media Pluralism, an international campaign demanding better protection for media pluralism and freedom at European level, and of Transnational Dialogues, a multi-year arts exchange programme between cultural innovators in China, Brazil and Europe. In his book Citizens of Nowhere: How to Save Europe for Itself (Zed Books 2018, written with Niccolo Milanese), he tells the story of European Alternatives within a wider political and philosophical analysis of the crisis of the nation-state. He is a regular commentator on European media and has degrees in philosophy and sinology from the University of London.

  • Marcia Baratto

    Marcia Baratto

    Marcia Baratto lives in Munich and leads the Research and Legal Coordination of REVIBRA Europe, a network of legal experts and psychologists which provide support to Brazilian victims of gender violence in the EU. Marcia has a PhD in Political Sciences and an extensive CV as Professor in Human Rights issues in Brazil and truly understands intersectionality in practice and the inequalities faced my racialized minorities, including migrants.

  • Martin Pairet

    Martin was the Network Manager of European Alternatives for five years until 2020. In the last years he became a French baker. In the Berlin Hub he was in charge of the development of the transnational community and network of the organisation.

    Martin has been working in the non-profit sector for more than eight years with experience in membership development, communications and fundraising in international organisations such as IFOAM – Organics International and Oxfam France. He is also engaged as a member of SOS Méditerranée, a civic European organisation for the rescue of people in distress in the Mediterranean and of MitOst, an international network of cultural actors and active citizens. He has a strong interest on how activists and civil society organisations are articulating and organising themselves to influence European politics both at the grassroots and at the institutional level.

    Since April 2023, Martin is supporting the team again as Berlin Hub Finances & Administration Assistant.

