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Home / Projects
  • Transeuropa 2023 logo

    Transeuropa is one of the longest-running transnational art and political festivals in Europe. Founded in 2007 in London, Transeuropa takes place every two years in…

  • Citizens Take Over Europe

    We are a group of civil society organizations, citizens and residents from across Europe, joined in a common effort to promote a forward-looking and citizens-centered European…

  • Room to Bloom

    Room to Bloom is a feminist platform for ecological and postcolonial narratives of Europe. Room to Bloom brings together feminist artists with a migration background…

More projects

  • AAA: “Act-up Agora Agency”

  • Act4Free Movement

  • ArtGora Forum

  • Artsformation

  • Assemblies of Solidarity

  • Campus of European Alternatives

  • CARE

  • Citizens Pact & Transeuropa Caravans 2014

  • Citizens Rights

  • Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkans

  • Co-Creation

  • Council Forum on European Democracy

  • Countering Hate Speech and Far Right Radicalism in CEE – Training Series

  • Critical Change Labs

  • DECiDe

  • DEMO: Democracy, Elections, Mentorship, Organizing

  • Democratic Odyssey

  • Euryka

  • Feminist Peace Practices

  • FiERCE

  • Fluctuations

  • From the Sea to the City

  • Generation D Liberation

  • Labour Games