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Home / Resources / News / #media freedom
  • European Citizen’s Initiative on media freedom at EU Parliament

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  • Hungary: a shrinking civic space – a dilemma for Europe?

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  • The ‘New Turkey’

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  • European Media Initiative closes with 200,000 Signatures for press freedom

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  • EA joins #FreeMediaRace

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  • Relaunched! European Initiative for Media Pluralism

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  • Do you want to work with us?

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  • EA joins US National Conference on Media Reform

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  • Lancement de la première Initiative Citoyenne Européenne sur le pluralisme des média

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  • Call for Expression of Interest: Integrated Communication Agency

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  • European Citizens’ Initiative public hearing

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  • Launch of the first European Citizens’ Initiative on Media Pluralism

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  • Launching a European Citizens’ Initiative for Media Pluralism

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  • Hungary must not become a symbol of a failed European dream

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  • Launch of the first European Citizens’ Initiative on Media Pluralism

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  • Towards a European Initiative for media pluralism: conclusions and follow up

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  • Conclusions du Congrès européen sur le Pluralisme des Médias

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  • Conclusions from European Congress on Media Pluralism

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  • Actuellement muets (CURRENTly silenced)

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  • CURRENTly silenced

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  • Hungarian media law under investigation by the European Commission

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  • Interim findings for media consultation in Rome

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  • European Parliament MEDIA Integroup calls on Commission to defend media freedom

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