Mettre en œuvre
European Alternatives œuvre à promouvoir la démocratie, l’égalité et la culture au-delà de l’État-nation et à imaginer, exiger et mettre en œuvre des alternatives pour un avenir viable.
Élections législatives françaises : Il faut re-former nos démocraties
Depuis plusieurs années, la montée des idéologies d’extrême droite en Europe et au-delà inquiètent. À juste titre. Les récentes élections européennes et françaises continuent d’augmenter les risques de confiscation des institutions démocratiques au profit de projets anti-libéraux et anti-démocratiques. La…
Power to the People Webinar
“All aboard! – How can citizen assemblies shape our democracies?” On 27 September 2024 200 randomly selected Europeans will gather in Athens to inaugurate the European Peoples’ Assembly—a permanent institution designed to ensure that the voice of the people is…
Next Time
Comment les sujets de politique publique qui mobilisent les jeunes aujourd’hui sont-ils traités au niveau européen? Cette série de podcast est pensée comme un outil pédagogique pour comprendre les enjeux du monde d’aujourd’hui dans le contexte des élections européennes. Les…
Fluctuations: a transnational boat festival
Fluctuations is a transnational boat festival wandering European rivers, to mobilise on social, environmental, and citizenship topics! At numerous stops, an eco-designed riverboat stage – the festiboat – docks in cities. The riverbanks come alive with joy, music, art, a…
Migrant & BIPoC Organizing – Train the Trainer – Online Series
It is time to organize to win! It is time to organize to win! Time to carry our knowledge of social change into and across communities, social movements and our workplaces. Let’s learn from each other and movement facilitators and…
Ceasefire Now! Open call for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza strip and Israel.
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Festival des Littératures en Marges (FLEM)
The Festival des Littératures en Marges (FLEM) returns to Saint-Denis in 2024, in partnership with the Musée Paul Eluard and its exhibition “La mécanique de l’exploit: le corps à l’épreuve du sport”. Littératures en Marges is a festival born in…
Youth Activism Against Discrimination and Racism in Europe Objective TACKLE aims to empower young activists across Europe to fight against structural racism and discrimination, fostering the emergence of a new generation of “equality advocates.” Through education, capacity building, and advocacy,…
Open call for members of civil society organisations to participate in the Democratic Odyssey transnational assembly
The Democratic Odyssey is a crowdsourced campaign, advocating for a “permanent peoples’ assembly for Europe” as a way of renewing Europe’s political system which European Alternatives coordinates. The recent EU elections highlighted a dichotomy: declining voter turnout and rising far-right…
“If you want to experience the future of Europe now, look no further than European alternatives”
Engin Isin
Islamophobic, anti-migrant, racist violence must be surmounted by community organising and solidarity networks
It is completely unacceptable that for over a week people seeking asylum, Muslim people and other racialized communities, including Roma, in the UK have been living with far-right hatred and immediate violence. Graves have been desecrated, numerous people have been…
Transeuropa assemblies: for a transnational bright future
The Transeuropa Assemblies cover a vast range of very different topics, from workers rights in Germany to end-of-life decisions in Belgium, but also including civil liberties in Italy or EU gender-rights in Spain. The strength of this initiative precisely comes…
Our Demands: Justice and Equity
The fourth set of demands centres the need to empower minoritised communities and end all discrimination across Europe. Like our other demands, our campaign for justice and equity is built on years of engagement with different struggles across the continent.…
Democratic Odyssey Transnational Assembly
The Democratic Odyssey is a crowdsourced campaign, advocating for a “permanent peoples’ assembly for Europe” as a way of renewing Europe’s political system. From autumn 2024 throughout 2025 the assembly will travel to different European cities, gathering proposals on how…
Our Demands: A Digital Revolution That Serves The People
Our fifth demand is for transformation and democratization of the digital world. Technology should ease human suffering and serve human flourishing and creativity. It should not be used as a tool of control or profit. Instead, surveillance technology is becoming…