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Home / Resources / Page 25
  • Call for videomakers

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  • Le site participatif «Close the Camps» est finalement en ligne

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  • The collaborative website «Close the Camps» is finally online

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  • Are young Turks occupying Gezi park model European citizens?

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  • Les jeunes Turcs qui occupent le parc Gezi sont-ils des citoyens européens modèles ?

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  • International Forum «Migrant Detention in Europe and Beyond: What perspectives?»

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  • Transeuropa Festival 2013. An interview with Ségolène Pruvot

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  • Relaunched! European Initiative for Media Pluralism

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  • Rilanciata: Iniziativa europea per il pluralismo dell’informazione!

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  • Citizens consultation to shape an EU of democracy, fundamental rights and participation: findings for the Citizens Manifesto

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  • Consultation citoyenne pour la démocratie, les droits fondamentaux et la participation : propositions pour le Manifeste Citoyen

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  • Alternative reali: Per un nuovo patto sociale europeo

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  • Alternatives réelles: pour un nouveau pacte social européen

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  • Real Alternatives: For a new European social pact

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  • The Citizens Manifesto: our demands for Europe

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  • Observez votre quartier

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  • Observe your neighbourhood

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  • Les jeunes Egyptiens nous rappellent ce que la démocratie veut dire

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  • Young Egyptians are reminding us what democracy means

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  • Actors and actresses wanted!

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  • A day in the life of

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  • Festival de Films Frontières du visible à l’invisible

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