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Home / Resources / News / #Migration
  • 20. June – Join the World Refugee Day

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  • London event: Solidarity starts with us

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  • Deaths in the Mediterranean: the European Council’s dishonour

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  • We Need a Humanitarian Corridor

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  • The hidden face of immigration detention camps

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  • Who are we, the citizens?

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  • Terragiusta. Campaign against the exploitation of migrant workers in agriculture

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  • A new migration policy for Europe

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  • Access to detention centres granted in Italy!

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  • Migration and asylum policies in the EU

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  • EU Conference on Migrants’ Rights and Free Movement of Citizens

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  • The Riace Model or Migration as a Value for a Truly Global Citizenship

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  • EA gets the Paolo Giuntella Freedom of Information Award 2012

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  • Follow us Live this morning from Brussels!

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  • European Citizens’ Initiative public hearing

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  • International Conference “Rethinking EU Immigration: legal developments, management and practices”

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  • The limits of EU policies on migration and the defence of migrants’ rights in Greece

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  • Seminario tematico “Immigrazione, Asilo, Cittadinanza” a conclusione del progetto “Officina 2014 – L’Italia in Europa”

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  • Call for civil society access to detention centers

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  • Maghreb appeal

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  • Appeal for a Europe without borders

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  • Citizens Panels: Migration and Asylum Rights

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  • Italy’s Migrant Rights Record Under Scrutiny

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