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Home / Resources / Page 43
  • International Conference “Rethinking EU Immigration: legal developments, management and practices”

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  • The limits of EU policies on migration and the defence of migrants’ rights in Greece

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  • ESCAPES Conference “Transits, barriers, freedoms: seeking refuge in the Mediterranean and in Europe”

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  • Migrant Rights across Europe

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  • Seminario tematico “Immigrazione, Asilo, Cittadinanza” a conclusione del progetto “Officina 2014 – L’Italia in Europa”

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  • Dole Animators

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  • How Big Brother can teach us how (not) to live together

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  • How big data can help us better understand the civic economy

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  • Convocazione: verso la campagna europea per il reddito

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  • Open Access Now! Campagne pour l’accès de la société civile et des journalistes aux centres de détention de migrants en Europe

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  • Open Access Now! Campaign for access of civil society and journalists to detention centres in Europe

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  • Une avancée significative vers la démocratie du 21e siècle en Europe : soutenez les listes transnationales !

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  • A significant step towards 21st century democracy in Europe: support transnational lists!

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  • Festival Transeuropa, le compte à rebours commence

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  • Transeuropa Festival, the countdown starts

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  • Join Transeuropa Festival! Become a Volunteer!

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  • La Marche Transnationale

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  • The Transnational Walk

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  • In piazza con La meglio gioventù

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  • Launch of the first European Citizens’ Initiative on Media Pluralism

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  • Quizz à la fête de l’Europe: toutes les réponses ici!

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  • As we move: migration, borders and social change

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  • En mouvement : migration, frontières et changement social

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  • Mentre ci muoviamo: migrazione, mobilitazione e cambiamento sociale

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