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Assembling Connecting and Organising

Reports and reflections from citizens’ assemblies, social movements, transnational campaigns, trainings & more. This is a space for practical reflections on how we enact transformative alternatives beyond the nation-state.

  • Our Demands: A Digital Revolution That Serves The People

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  • Our Demands: Justice and Equity

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  • Our Demands: Power to the People

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  • Our Demands: A Planet in Balance

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  • From Brussels to Paris, a symbolic and democratic extension of voting rights

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  • Pact for Equality

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  • Creating a European Common Space for Alternatives

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  • Democratic manifesto for the European Elections

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  • Make Amazon Pay!

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  • The rise of the four-day work week

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  • Whose green backlash? Taking the wheel from corporate lobbyists

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  • EU elections: workers’ rights at the ballot box

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  • Empowering Muslim Europe

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  • People’s Assemblies: a radical proposition

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  • Beyond The Nation-State

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  • How to be a free European digital citizen

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