- Art & Culture
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- European Alternatives
- Transeuropa Network
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- Transnational Activism
- Transnational Democracy
Launch of the first European Citizens Initiative on Media Pluralism
May 20, 2012 / Transeuropa Network
Quizz à la fête de l’Europe: toutes les réponses ici!
May 10, 2012 / European Alternatives
As we move: migration, borders and social change
May 9, 2012 / Citizens Rights
En mouvement : migration, frontières et changement social
/ European Alternatives
Mentre ci muoviamo: migrazione, mobilitazione e cambiamento sociale
/ European Alternatives
Between Translation and Action – New forms of political mobilisation
/ Transnational Activism
Entre traduction et action – les nouvelles formes de mobilisation politique
/ European Alternatives
Tra Traduzione e Azione – Nuove forme di mobilitazione politica
/ European Alternatives
Prochaines étapes après le forum de Rome
Apr 25, 2012 / European Alternatives
Next steps after the Rome forum
/ Transeuropa Network
Al via la Campagna “LasciateCIEntrare”
Apr 24, 2012 / European Alternatives
Il Transeuropa Festival è in arrivo a Bologna. Ecco come partecipare!
Apr 20, 2012 / European Alternatives
Il Transeuropa Festival è in arrivo a Bologna. Ecco come partecipare!
/ European Alternatives
Découvrez le programme du Festival à Paris!
/ European Alternatives
Appel à bénévoles pour le Festival Transeuropa!
/ European Alternatives
Transeuropa Festival: London’s calling for volunteers!
Apr 19, 2012 / Transeuropa Network
Centri di detenzione per migranti: trattamenti inumani e degradanti
Apr 18, 2012 / European Alternatives
Launching a European Citizens’ Initiative for Media Pluralism
Apr 12, 2012 / Transeuropa Network
Détenus en perdition
Apr 8, 2012 / European Alternatives
Cerchiamo un Head of campaigning
Apr 4, 2012 / European Alternatives
We are hiring a Head of campaigning
/ Transeuropa Network
People Power Participation: evaluation
Mar 27, 2012 / Transeuropa Network
Pas de place pour la discrimination dans notre démocratie européenne: Condamnez le site Internet de Geert Wilders!
Mar 15, 2012 / European Alternatives
Discrimination has no place in our European democracy: condemn the website of Geert Wilders
/ Transeuropa Network