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Home / Resources / Videos / EA actions
  • Transnational Assembly of Workers’ Solidarity

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  • Theatre of the Oppressed Retrospective – Transeuropa 2023

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  • Série PATA Retrospective – Transeuropa 2023

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  • Voices from Pâta Rat

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  • Video Trailer – Assembly in Bremen

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  • Assemblies of Solidarity for Climate Action Now! (2022)

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  • Europe Calling Special Power to the People! How can Europe work for everyone?

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  • Palermo Climate Declaration: Avoiding Climate Catastrophe

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  • Between Land and Sea (Palermo 2021)

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  • Emerald City by Stefania Artusi – Between Land and Sea

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  • A Space to Hold – Between Land and Sea

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  • Artsformation – Between Land and Sea International Workshop 1

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  • Week 1 – Causes and Consequences of Hate Speech

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  • Room to Bloom – Palermo Living Pavilion

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  • What is the Conference on the Future of Europe?

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  • Artsformation – Between Land and Sea

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  • The Handbook for Transnational Activists – Book Presentation

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  • Video Foreword – The Online Handbook for Transnational Activists

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  • Room to Bloom – performance 1 Athens

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  • Manufactourist – Transeuropa 2019 performance

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  • Transeuropa 2019 – summary day 2

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  • Transeuropa 2019 – summary day 1

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  • Lorenzo Marsili presents Transeuropa 2019

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  • Oltre il Muro – Transeuropa 2019

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