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Home / Resources / Videos

Our videos include promotional, divulgative and journalistic productions by European Alternatives and materials that are part of Talk Real, our audiovisual platform for the diffusion of innovative ideas and for the promotion of grassroots organisations and the individuals behind them. 

  • Video Trailer – Assembly in Bremen

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  • Interview with Virginia Fiume

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  • Climate Fatigue: How to turn powerlessness into change? – A Power to the People webinar

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  • Eco-ansia: come trasformare il senso d’impotenza in cambiamento?” Webinar di “Power to the People

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  • “Fatigue climatique : comment dépasser le sentiment d’impuissance ?” Power to the People webinaire

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  • Klima-Erschöpfung: Wie aus Ohnmacht Veränderung werden kann” – Webinar von Power to the People

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  • Short Talk by Patricia & Bana – Youth Movement & Campaign Accelerator: Bootcamp II (Berlin)

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  • Short Talk by Fruzsina & Veronika – Youth Movement & Campaign Accelerator: Bootcamp II (Berlin)

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  • Short Talk by Piotr & Geese Goose – Youth Movement & Campaign Accelerator: Bootcamp II (Berlin)

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  • Short Talk by Sanaz & Elaheh – Youth Movement & Campaign Accelerator: Bootcamp II (Berlin)

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  • Short Talk by Antonia & Domenico – Youth Movement & Campaign Accelerator: Bootcamp II (Berlin)

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  • Opening Speech by Georg Blokus – Youth Movement & Campaign Accelerator: Bootcamp II (Berlin)

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  • Interview with Ronnie Tito Thomas – Trust Without Borders

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  • Interview with Lissa Bulu – Trust Without Borders

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  • Interview with Lidka Makowska – Trust Without Borders

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  • Translocal Activism & The Art of Transnational Organizing: Online Course: Session 1

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  • The Struggle Is Real – A Video Portrait of Nam Duy Nguyen

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  • Interview with Georg Blokus – Transnational European Assemblies

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  • Transnational Assembly of Workers’ Solidarity

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  • Holding Spaces | Episode 4: Spaces to imagine (Palermo)

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  • Holding Spaces | Episode 3: Spaces to Assemble (Athens)

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  • Holding Spaces | Episode 2: Spaces for Action (Cluj)

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  • Holding Spaces | Episode 1: Spaces for training (Sofia)

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  • Holding Spaces Documentary (2024)

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