Mar 4, 2013
Transnational elections! European Alternatives members vote for their representatives
For the second time in European Alternatives history, members will soon participate in transnational elections to elect their representatives on the Board of the organisation, from March 1st to 8th.

Putting in practice our commitment to bottom-up and transnational democracy, members of European Alternatives are at the core of the decision-making process. Last year, we devised and agreed on our Constitution, which sets up the structure of the organisation, based on the fundamental ideas of participation, transparency, accountability and most importantly democracy, and notably defines the role of members’ representatives:
“Members’ representatives are responsible for ensuring the role of the Membership as a central actor and decision-maker by ensuring efficient internal communication of activities and positions of European Alternatives, improving online and offline participatory structures, and working to expand the membership and represent it publicly.”
European Alternatives Constitution, article 6.2.3
European Alternatives Constitution, article 6.2.3
How can I vote?
On March 1st and until March 8th, registered members of European Alternatives will receive an email inviting them to vote online for two members’ representatives.
Not yet a member? Sign up before March 7th to take part in the vote!
Who are the candidates?
Learn more about the candidates and engage in a dialogue with them by clicking on their names below!