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Home / Gabrielle Jourde

Gabrielle Jourde

Gabrielle is based in Paris and works on the FIERCE project and the New Challenges ‘Litératures en Marges’ Festival. She holds a double bachelor degree in Literature from Sorbonne University and in Political Humanities from Sciences Po. 

She is currently finishing her Master’s Degree in Gender Studies at the Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis with a literary research on queer parenthood and the ‘autotheory’ medium. In 2024, she will complete a second Master’s Degree at Sciences Po in Political Theory, and her research will focus on contemporary feminist theory.

Gabrielle is passionate about feminism, artistic creation and the circulation of political and collective commitment through different media. She has taken part in initiatives to combat sexual violence in higher education, in particular through the G.A.R.C.E.S collective. She also organizes musical events in the north-east of Paris as part of the Village Jourdain association, with the aim of taking over public spaces and strengthening social ties through greater access to art and culture.

Gabrielle Jourde