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Home / Seema Syeda

Seema Syeda

Seema Syeda manages communications across European Alternatives. Working closely with Marta Cillero, this includes editing the European Alternatives Journal, renewing EA’s visual identity, updating EA website, social media and external communications, co-ordinating & delivering individual project communications including social media, videos, podcasts & other media, and helping plan and deliver trainings and assemblies.

Seema’s key project involvement includes Artsformation, the Transeuropa Festival, Youth Movement & Campaign Accelerator, Movement Learning Catalyst, Power to the People, Ukraine & the World, Decolonial Europe Day & more. She is active across EA’s ‘Inspire, Assemble, Train, Act and Research’ streams.

Seema also runs communications and Campaigns for UK-based campaign group Another Europe Is Possible, an alliance of progressives fighting the causes and consequences of Brexit. She has been active in grassroots climate activism to end fossil fuels and has worked as an editor and journalist. Her writing has been published in The Guardian and other outlets.  She is interested in the deconstruction and dismantling of racial capitalism. She is based in Marseille and London.

Seema Syeda