Next open assembly coming soon
The next Open Assembly is currently being designed. It will have a larger online dimension than in the past. More information coming soon on this webpage.
Open Assembly 2019
The Open Assembly 2019 took place on September 21st, 2019 at the Museum des Kapitalismus in Berlin.
On September 21st, the day after the third climate strikes in Germany and all over the globe, we opened the space to share updates about European Alternatives plans for 2019-20, deepen relationships and exchange strategies for social and climate justice in Berlin and elsewhere. The climate crisis urged young and older generations to organize people in new ways to support the socio-economic transformation of our world, before the irreversible tipping point is reached.
We explored how we make our struggles responsive to social and climate justice issues, and we shared thoughts, strategies and tools for doing this in Berlin and transnationally.
Open Assembly 2018
The Open Assembly 2018 took place on September 16th, 2018 at the Wikimedia offices in Berlin alongside our congress What Comes After the Nation-State?
In an open and collaborative space, we discussed the priorities members saw coming up ahead of the European Elections 2019.
- Are there already common actions we could join or opportunities to seize?
- What issues do we want to see in the campaigns of political parties?
- What can we do to stop the shift towards right-wing populism and nationalism?
Ahead of the Assembly, we will collect and gather ideas from members and friends who cannot be present physically in Berlin.
Open Assembly 2017
The Open Assembly 2017 took place on October 29th, 2017 at Matadero in Madrid, as part of the TRANSEUROPA Festival 2017 | Convergent Spaces. You can download the main outcomes of this year’s Assembly here.
This year’s Assembly was open to all (members and general public) and aimed at:
- informing the participants on the latest developments, priorities, and strategy of European Alternatives;
- reflecting and gathering inputs on our work program such as Membership Structures and Participation, the next TRANSEUROPA Festival 2019 or the potential creation of a European School of Activism in the coming years.
Open Assembly 2016
The Open Assembly 2016 took place on August 27th, 2016 at the neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGbK) in Berlin. You can watch the livestream of the Open Assembly or download the minutes of the event.
This year’s Assembly was open to all (members and general public) and aimed at:
- informing the participants on the latest developments, priorities, and strategy of European Alternatives;
- providing the opportunity for individual members and member organisations to vote on the accounts, meet the candidates for two new board positions, contribute with resolutions, and amendments to the strategic roadmap for 2017;
- allowing members that can’t be present to follow the General Assembly through livestream. All members voted online on the strategic orientations and two new board members after the Assembly from Friday, September 2, at midnight, to Sunday, September 11, at midnight.
The Assembly was followed by the closing party of European Alternatives at the same location, open to all, and with an exciting program in the afternoon and in the evening.