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Home / Resources / Page 7
  • Artsformation: A new research project working in the intersection between art and technology

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  • Our Petition to the European Parliament

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  • Our new memorandum calls to the European Labour Authority to do more to protect the rights of mobile workers

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  • Citizens Take Over Europe demands transparency and citizen participation in the planning of the Conference on the Future of Europe

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  • Rizoma: meet the artists of our first project, Pandemos

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  • Open Letter to Angela Merkel: For a citizens-centered Conference on the Future of Europe

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  • On World Refugee Day, we call for a fundamental change in European migration policy

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  • A Global Health and Green New Deal

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  • Rizoma: un nuovo istituto a Palermo

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  • This May Day call for rights for workers without borders

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  • Citizens Take Over Europe: Calling for a Conference on the Future of Europe

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  • Moving forward – With or Without Germany

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  • Open Letter to EU Health Ministers

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  • ‘Neoliberalism, Democracy and Covid-19 in the Global South’: New exclusive content for EA members

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  • Polish Parliament Must Reject Regressive Proposals on Sexual and Reproductive Rights

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  • Workers Without Borders

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  • La crisi Covid-19. Un punto di svolta per il progetto europeo

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  • Environmental rights are health rights

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  • Lettera aperta ad Angela Merkel

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  • L’UE può farlo! Firma la nostra petizione al Parlamento europeo sul Covid19

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  • È tempo per la solidarietà transnazionale

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  • Il Consiglio Civico sulla Democrazia Europea ti cerca!

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  • 17 milioni: gli europei più “europei”?

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  • Call for Contributions for the final conference of Co-Creation

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