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Home / Resources / Page 2
  • CCLab assistant.e Job Offer

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  • NOW RECRUITING: Communications Intern

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  • Elezioni serbe: una cartolina dalle porte dell’UE

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  • Transnational European Assembly on Social Parenting Report

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  • Out Now: EA Journal Issue 4

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  • Against the racist states of Europe

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  • Podcast Launch: Beyond the Nation State

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  • Transnational Assembly of Solidarity Across Borders

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  • Holding Space Transnational Assembly

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  • Call for Podcast Sound Editors

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  • Call for participants open for the Youth Movement & Campaign Accelerator

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  • Online open discussion with Arun Chaudhary and Ulrike Lunacek

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  • Online open discussion with Shaista Aziz and Radomir Lazovic

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  • Open Call for an Immediate Ceasefire in IOPT

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  • EU, speak out against war crimes

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  • Open letter to the European Commission: Stand by your commitment to the European Citizens’ Initiative

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  • Democratic Odyssey, a permanent EU citizens’ assembly launched in Athens

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  • Arrivals in Lampedusa – Solidarity and resistance in the face of Europe’s reception crisis

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  • New partnership to promote an open, democratic & enlarged Europe

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  • Transeuropa Festival in Cluj Napoca! 11-15 October

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  • Transnational Citizen Assembly for Housing Justice in Cluj Napoca – Romania

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  • Visitors to Kyiv zoo continue normalcy in a time of war. Credit Luke Cooper.

    Kyiv: hope in the darkness

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  • Job Opportunity: Project Assistant

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  • Launching the European Alternatives Journal Issue 2

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