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Home / Resources / News / Citizens rights
  • Citizens Take Over Europe: Protecting and Reinforcing Our Democracies

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  • Poster Competition

    Imagine, Demand, Enact! Poster Competition Eu Elections 2024

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  • Visitors to Kyiv zoo continue normalcy in a time of war. Credit Luke Cooper.

    Kyiv: hope in the darkness

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  • First Vice-President Othmar Karas meets with the Laureates of the Sakharov Prize 2022.

    Sakharov Prize awarded to “the Brave People of Ukraine”

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  • Bringing local voices to Strasbourg – The CoFoE in Porto and the experience of the Portuguese National Assembly

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  • The Citizens Take Over Europe Coalition joins the Strasbourg Summit!

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  • Freedom for Osman Kavala

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  • Best practices and policy demands of migrant workers during the pandemic

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  • Now is time to move on from precarious Europe: the Social Pillar must ensure fair, decent and safe worker mobility in the EU

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  • 6 recommendations to protect and inform young European workers

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  • Our new memorandum calls to the European Labour Authority to do more to protect the rights of mobile workers

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  • This May Day call for rights for workers without borders

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  • Open Letter to EU Health Ministers

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  • Polish Parliament Must Reject Regressive Proposals on Sexual and Reproductive Rights

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  • Workers Without Borders

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  • Environmental rights are health rights

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  • 17 milioni: gli europei più “europei”?

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  • Act4FreeMovement: Participatory democracy already exists beyond the nation-state

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  • 13th September: Day of Action for EU citizens in the UK & British Citizens in EU

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  • Different European ways of volunteering for and with refugees

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  • Fearless Cities, a first appointment before TRANSEUROPA

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  • For an international peace movement for Syria

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