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Home / Events / Past events / Transnational Dialogues @MAXXI

Transnational Dialogues @MAXXI


15:00-16:00 @ Gallery 2/3

“Who is…”, Performance by Zhou Bin (artist, Chengdu)

16:00-17:00 @ Gallery 2

“Change Utopia!”, Presentation of the Transnational Dialogues Journal 2014 with Luigi Galimberti (coordinator, Transnational Dialogues)

“Festina Lente”, Performance-Dialogue with You Mi (curator, Cologne) & Lorenzo Marsili (director, European Alternatives, Rome)

17:00-18:30 @ Gallery 2

“Hong Kong: Art and Protests”, Discussion with Rachel Marsden (curator, Birmingham), Simone Pieranni (journalist and founder of China Files, Rome/Beijing) and Wang Dong (curator, He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen). Moderator: Lorenzo Marsili (director, European Alternatives, Rome)

18:30-20:00 @ Gallery 2

“De Rerum Natura. Field recordings from the Amazon”, Performance-Dialogue with Luca Forcucci (composer and artist, Berlin)

21.00-22:30 @ Gallery 2

‘”Performance Art from China”, Screening of Chinese performance art with Petra Pölzl (curator, Berlin)


Morning – Outside MAXXI Museum “Open Museum”, Performance with Bel Falleiros (artist, Sao Paulo), Robin Resch (artist and curator, Berlin) and Lorenzo Romito (Stalker, Rome)

15:00-18:00 @ Gallery 2

‘”Open City”, Discussion with Bel Falleiros (artist, Sao Paulo), Robin Resch (artist and curator, Berlin) and Lorenzo Romito (Stalker, Rome). Moderator: Luigi Galimberti (coordinator, Transnational Dialogues)

“Curating the Metropolis”, Performance-Dialogue with Marta Mestre (Curator, MAM – Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro) & Wang Dong (curator, He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen)

18:00-19.00 @ Gallery 1

Performance “ROLO” by Wellington Dias (artist, Macapá, Brazil)