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Home / Events / Past events / From the Sea to the City: A conference of cities for a welcoming Europe

From the Sea to the City: A conference of cities for a welcoming Europe

From the Sea to the City Consortium announces a new date for a hybrid Conference of Cities on 25-26 June 2021 online and in Palermo, in cooperation with the Cities of Potsdam and Palermo.
Register to follow the online panels and mayors’ discussions here:…/tJElduCvqTMqHtC5yOkPHqMsZKi44K1Vxrsd
The conference will continue the discussions started online throughout 2020 and will host online and physical discussions between Mayors, city representatives and civil society from all over Europe that have shown their willingness to uphold fundamental refugees’ and migrants‘ rights.
From the Sea to the City aims to join forces to reimagine the European stance on migration with cities and human rights at the center. With this vision we want to send a strong signal to the European institutions that we want to pursue a welcoming and human-rights based migration and refugee policy.
The conference is thought to be another step in the process of creating a European network of cities, municipalities and civil society with the aim to advocate for an active role of cities in European migration policy. This network wants to increase the visibility of welcoming municipalities at the EU level, encourage other cities to take action and build stronger alliances with civil society actors.
The full programme and list of speakers will be announced soon on our website:
By registering to the Conference here you agree to receive updates and notifications about the conference programme and speakers.
An initiative of From the Sea to the City Consortium
In cooperation with the City of Palermo and the City of Potsdam
With the support of the Schöpflin Foundation