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Home / Events / Past events / EU CAN DO IT


Antonia Faustini (Fiore), a DEMO participant, shares with you 6 important petitions. The goal of her organisation is to create a European network and collect signatures for 6 petitions addressed to the EU Parliament, with the hope that if we get enough attention those will be presented also as European Citizens Initiatives.

The petitions are the following: 

1. The introduction of Voluntary assisted dying as a fundamental human right for EU citizens ;2.  The introduction of Abortion as a fundamental human right for EU citizens;

3. ⁠Cannabis decriminalization in all the EU countries;

4. ⁠The development of a civic artificial intelligence;

5. ⁠Stop subsiding with European public money of intensive animal farming (we also presented a documentary in Italian on the topic a few weeks ago);

6. ⁠The introduction of a “carbon tax”, shifting taxation from labor to emissions. 

More info here —>