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  • European Alternatives is looking for a Project coordinator to join our team

    The European Alternatives (EA) association is looking for a project coordinator for a European action-research project (Horizon Europe) on feminist and anti-gender movements in France and on a transnational scale. As project coordinator, you will be included in the EA…

    Jul 22, 2024

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  • Transeuropa Festival 2024

    This year, the vibrant city of Venice will host the TRANSEUROPA festival from 6-10 November 2024, inviting attendees and active participants from across Europe. UNDERCURRENTS This year’s edition of TRANSEUROPA, dubbed UNDERCURRENTS, invites participants to explore, imagine and create the…

    Jul 15, 2024

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  • The end of corruption must be the beginning of transformation

    After 14 years, today marks the end of one of the most incompetent, dishonest and corrupt governments in the history of the United Kingdom.

    Jul 5, 2024

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  • French parliamentary elections: our democracies need to be reshaped 

    For several years now, the rise of far-right ideologies in Europe and beyond has been a cause for concern. And rightly so. The recent European and French elections continue to increase the risk of democratic institutions being hijacked in favour…

    Jul 1, 2024

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  • The rise of the far-right is no surprise – getting serious about changing this system must start now

    For anyone that has been observing politics in Europe over the past decade, the strong results of the far right in many countries in the European elections should come as no surprise.

    Jun 11, 2024

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  • Movement Learning Catalyst: building a learning community across struggles and places. 

    The Movement Learning Catalyst has great news for you. We are about to share a new Learner’s Guide and launch a new action-learning platform that aims to nurture the interconnected movements, realities and responsive strategies needed to challenge systems of…

    Apr 30, 2024

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  • Project

    Organizmo Bloom

    Organizmo Bloom focuses on non western epistemologies and on community sustainable building.

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  • Citizens Take Over Europe: Protecting and Reinforcing Our Democracies

    As we embark on a new legislative period, we, the collective Citizens Take Over Europe, call upon the European Parliament to reaffirm its commitment to safeguarding and enhancing our democracies. The recent re-election of Ursula von der Leyen as President…

    Jul 24, 2024

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  • Project

    Critical Change Labs

    Critical ChangeLab (Democracy Meets Arts: Critical Change Labs for Building Democratic Cultures through Creative and Narrative Practices) is a Horizon Europe research and innovation project addressing democratic erosion trends by strengthening youth participation in society. The project is carried out…

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  • Journal

    Our Demands: Justice and Equity

    The fourth set of demands centres the need to empower minoritised communities and end all discrimination across Europe. Like our other demands, our campaign for justice and equity is built on years of engagement with different struggles across the continent.…

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  • “If you want to experience the future of Europe now, look no further than European alternatives”

    Engin Isin

  • Event

    Transnational Assembly of Solidarity Across Borders

    We have invited activists, organizers, educators, researchers, artists and civil society organizations from Europe and around the world who all dedicate their work to inquiring, re-thinking and building trust and solidarity within and between civil societies and/or social movements across…

    Nov 17, 2023

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  • Journal

    Transeuropa assemblies: for a transnational bright future 

    The Transeuropa Assemblies cover a vast range of very different topics, from workers rights in Germany to end-of-life decisions in Belgium, but also including civil liberties in Italy or EU gender-rights in Spain. The strength of this initiative precisely comes…

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  • Journal

    Our Demands: A Digital Revolution That Serves The People

    Our fifth demand is for transformation and democratization of the digital world.  Technology should ease human suffering and serve human flourishing and creativity. It should not be used as a tool of control or profit. Instead, surveillance technology is becoming…

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  • Ceasefire Now! Open call for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza strip and Israel.

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  • Event

    Transeuropa Festival

    TRANSEUROPA is a transnational artistic, cultural and political festival organised by European Alternatives since 2007. In the past decade, TRANSEUROPA has attracted thousands of attendees and active participants through a decentralised event structure in over a dozen European cities and…

    Nov 6, 2024

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  • Event

    Fluctuations: a transnational boat festival

    Fluctuations is a transnational boat festival wandering European rivers, to mobilise on social, environmental, and citizenship topics! At numerous stops, an eco-designed riverboat stage – the festiboat – docks in cities. The riverbanks come alive with joy, music, art, a…

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  • Project


    Fluctuations is a transnational boat festival wandering European rivers, to mobilise on social, environmental, and citizenship topics.

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