As young people, citizens, and activists, we struggle for meaningful participation in the decisions that shape our lives. The current crises have ignited a new generation of proactive, engaged young citizens. Incredible movements such as Fridays for Future and UnitedWeDream demonstrate the power that young voices can have.
What is currently lacking is a seat at the table. Youth participation is far too often treated as only symbolic. Young activists are not being given the time or the tools they need to fully discuss the future of Europe and the role they want to play in it.
Young people want to be given space to contribute to the most important questions – we want to help defend the future of the planet, protect and uphold fundamental values, and secure the right direction for our political union.
Generation D Liberation works to engage young people on the topic of Europe and support them with the resources they need to form their vision and make it heard.

Countries Involved
Duration of Project
2021 - 2022