Mar 5, 2018
Open call to participate in our solidarity contest for students!
Are you between 14 and 20 years old? Do you care about solidarity in Europe and would like to represent its future through an artistic output? Then read through this call and get ready to participate in our new contest for students! Deadline 7th March
The economic crisis in Europe has placed solidarity at the top of public and policy agendas. But how strong is solidarity amongst Europeans, after almost 60 years of European integration? What is the perception of transnational solidarity that young people have? What is their vision for the future of solidarity in Europe?
European Alternatives, together with their partner from the TransSOL project consortium, asked these and other open questions in a contest for school students, asking young people aged between 14 and 20 to give voice to their opinion on the future of solidarity through creative artistic products.
A jury composed of 5 members from different fields, from youth to academia, will evaluate the creative products receive and will award three proposals based on the criteria of diversity of means, quality, geographic representation and relevance to the topic. The winners will have the opportunity to win a trip to Brussels in mid-may to present their work at the final conference of the project and to enjoy the European capital. Other entries received will also be shown at the conference through an exhibition.
Get your creativity going! Deadline is on 15th March at midnight and you can submit your proposal and questions to
Find out more on how to participate here!
The call is available in English | Italiano | Français | Dansk | ελληνικά | Polski | Deutsch