Nov 25, 2013
Actors and actresses wanted!
We are urgently looking for actors interested in roleplaying our imaginary characters in the Making a Living Project as part of the Transeuropa Festival, which will take place on the 19-20 October at Makerversity, London.
The Making a Living Project has explored scenarios on how young people cope with their living, what alternative ways of living shape the future generation. The process led project developed scenarios about making a living in 2020 through the eyes of our imaginary characters Invisible Citizens, Militant Optimists and Lifestyle Hackers.

We would like these Personas to come alive, and bring the experience of the scenario as close as possible to the audience. It is not a stage play with a set time frame, but a more informal interaction (of these characters) with the visitors/participants coming to the festival.
The roles will be paid £50 for each actor for 4hrs on Saturday starting from 12.00 to 16.00 at Makerversity.
Please get in touch if you are interested and see the description of the Making a Living Personas, from which you can choose the character you feel you could be.