FIERCE: Feminist Movements Revitalizing Democracy in Europe
FiERCE is an Horizon 2020 research project developed in cooperation with ViLabs, Aalborg Universitet, Scuola Normale Superiore, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Smart Venice, Uniwersytet Gdanski, Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis, Mirovni Institut, KOC University and Univerza V Ljubljani that aims to revitalize the alliances between the feminist movement, civil society and political decision makers.
FIERCE will kick off in the Autumn of 2022 and it will work to produce shared best practices of feminist mobilisations across Europe, strategies for countering far right in front of a growing anti-feminist and anti-gender movements, discourses, activities and the establishment of a strong network of feminist movements and public actors able to to defend and advance women’s rights. As part of the process, we envision the possibility to rekindle the movement-institution relationship by means of a multidimensional, bottom-up and impact-oriented approach.

Countries Involved
Italy, France, Greece, Denmark, Slovenia, Spain, Poland, Turkey
Duration of Project
2022 - 2025