The “Co-Creation” project is a four-year research project led by Dr Juliet Carpenter, Senior Research Fellow, and funded by the European Commission, in partnership with organisations across the EU and in Latin America.
The project aims to address urban disadvantage and territorial stigmatisation, by bringing together different actors such as researchers, policy makers, residents and artists, to ‘co-create’ understanding about marginalised neighbourhoods and to address disadvantage.
Over four years, the project runs a series of international events, including five International Conferences, two Summer Schools, stakeholder workshops as well as seven case studies in the partner cities with participation from local communities and artists. The first networking event was held at Oxford Brookes University on 16-18 January 2017, with a three-day launch meeting, where all partners contributed to discussions about the project and its development over the coming years. The next event, a conference on the role of creativity in challenging exclusion was hosted by the University of Bath in September 2017. Dr Christina Horvath, leader of the organising team said: “Territorial stigmatisation affects residents of marginalised neighbourhoods worldwide. Exploring how creativity works is the first step towards building capability and enabling residents to enhance their self-esteem and life opportunities”.

Countries Involved
Europe, Mexico, Brazil
Duration of Project
January 2017 - December 2020