Artsformation is exploring the intersection between arts, society and technology, We research, create and experiment.
Artsformation is a research project that aims to understand, analyse, and promote the ways in which the Arts can reinforce the social, cultural, economic, and political benefits of digital transformation.
Artsformation investigates the potential of the Arts to intervene in critical social issues, with a view to remedying a range of abusive and exploitative aspects of digital technologies, such as labour politics, privacy and education.
With Artsformation we aim to support and be part of the process of making our communities resilient and adaptive in the 4th Industrial Revolution through research, innovation and applied artistic practice.
Countries Involved
Norway, Denmark, Greece, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, UK, Italy, France, Ireland.
Duration of Project
2020 – 2023
Funded by
The European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870726.
Norwegian Business School, the Copenhagen Business School, LATRA, KEA European Affairs, WAAG, FACT, Transmediale, European Alternatives and Trinity College Dublin.