An Artsformation podcast from the series Resistance: Decolonising the Internet.
How can we hold space in a decolonial artist residency? Decolonising is a difficult, long process.

The digital transformation poses a unique challenge to those who want to deconstruct systemic injustice. Artsformation brought together artists and practitioners to a residency in Lesvos to imagine creative ways to engage with the topic of decolonising the digital transformation. Building trust was a prerequisite: in our second podcast in the series Resistance: decolonising the internet, we meet residency facilitators Clare Sivier and Tian Glasgow, in conversation with Ségolène Pruvot and Seema Syeda (European Alternatives), to discuss how they held space in the residency. Scan the QR code to listen to the podcast on Spotify

Claire Sivier is a researcher, producer, facilitator and artist focusing on decolonial practices. She is a co-director of tialt // there is an alternative.
Tian Glasgow is a theatre director and arts producer working in community engagement. He also works at social justice charity Arts Emergency.
European Alternatives is a partner of Artsformation, a research project exploring the intersection between arts, society and technology.