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Home / Resources / Publications / Page 2
  • Protecting and Informing Young European Workers – Issue 1

    Workers Without Borders advocates for the European Institutions to do more to protect the rights of workers who move. In particular, it calls on the…

  • Planetary Politics

    The global crisis of our time involves a complex of ecological, economic, technological and migratory challenges that no state is able to control. The result…

  • Protecting citizenship rights of young mobile European workers

    In the context of the combined recession and pandemic that Europe is now entering, the risks to the European citizenship rights of young Europeans are…

  • Legal memorandum to the European Labor Authority

    In 2020, at least 17 million European citizens live or work in another Member State.  Among these European citizens are a large number of mobile…

  • Rejuvenating Europe’s Democracy

    The policy report ‘Rejuvenating Europe’s democracy’ comes at the end of a significant three year transnational study of the way young people do politics in…

  • Transeuropa 2019: ÜBERMAUER / BEYOND THE WALL

    In 2019, TRANSEUROPA Festival joins hands with BAM – Biennale Arcipelago Mediterraneo, a powerful new initiative launched in 2017 by the City of Palermo. The…

  • Transeuropa Caravans 2019: Best practices and recommendations

    Together they tell us a story which shows that inclusive Europe is possible when civil society, local authorities and the EU institutions join their forces…

  • Wir Heimatlosen Weltburger

    Citizens of Nowhere (German edition). Lorenzo Marsili und Niccolò Milanese stellen Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten vor, in deren Handeln Alternativen zum Status quo aufscheinen. Sie analysieren,…

  • Citizens of Nowhere: How Europe can be saved from itself

    This book is at once a narrative of the experience of activism and a manifesto for change. Through analysing the ways in which neoliberalism, nationalism…

  • The down of a Europe of many visions

    What the European election manifestos tell us about the conflict, paralysis, and progress ahead? Published in cooperation with the London School of Economics.

  • The Right to Truth

    Stories and conversations about women associated with the movement for women’s liberation and emancipation and different works that embodied the struggle for women’s liberation. A…

  • The Myth of Europa

    On the occassion of the 10th anniversary of European Alternatives we publish a compilation of all the issues of The Myth of Europa, the first…

  • Transeuropa Journal 2017

    The journal of the 2017 edition of Transeuropa Festival Convergent Spaces, brings interviews and articles by Rosi Braidotti, Gesine Schwan, Carmen Castro and Ann Marie Utrate, among…

  • Ten Years of European Alternatives

    A book to tell the story of the first decade of European Alternatives. How everything started? How to imagine a future beyond the nation state?

  • Civil Society of the Western Balkans Summit Series

    A report with the political recommendations for EU leaders and representatives after the Civil Society Forum celebrated in Paris around the topics of migration, climate…

  • Transnational Dialogues Journal 2016

    2016 edition of our TD journal. Includes interviews, articles and research conclusions from the artistic residencies in Brazil and China.

  • Shifting Baselines of Europe

    This book opens the often narrow discourse on the future of Europe and criticises the false dichotomy between nationalism on the one hand and a…

  • A State of Democracy: Towards Citizen Rights Protection

    A policy report published along with the European Civic Forum that includes a number of practical recommendations to the European institutions to face the threats…

  • The Charter of Lampedusa

    “The Charter of Lampedusa” and the quest for alternative citizenship and migration policies at the EU level.

  • Transeuropa Caravans 2014

    What does ‘the Europe from below’ look like? What are the issues that people in Europe organise and rise up for? Following a three-year participatory…

  • Transnational Dialogues 2014

    What is the role of the creative forces in questioning the present? How are social, economic and cultural contradictions situated in our global cities, and…

  • Citizens Manifesto for the 2014 European elections

    The Citizens Pact is a bottom-up effort to bridge the infamous democratic deficit in Europe. This process empowers citizens to take action, to participate in…

  • Transeuropa Festival Journal 2013

    This edition of the journal brings interviews, essays and articles reflecting on the three word slogan: Imagine, Demand, Enact of the 2013 Festival edition.

  • Transeuropa Journal 2012

    This new edition of the Transeuropa journal address three main themes: the economic crisis and the possibility of alternatives to austerity measures; the new forms…