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Home / Resources / Publications / Page 3
  • Towards a transnational democracy for Europe

    A policy report analysing the possibilities of a transnational democracy for Europe through a participative constitutional process.

  • Transnational Dialogues Journal 2011-2012

    First edition of the TD journal with interviews, research and analysis coming the artistic residencies in Brazil and China.

  • Transeuropa Festival 2011

    The 2011 edition of the Transeuropa Festival journal. Includes interview with artists and speakers and the full programme of the Festival happening in different cities.

  • European Elections Guide 2009

    A a guide to the manifestos of the European-level parties and groupings standing in the elections. We believe that the only way a democratic Europe…

  • Manifesto of the Appalled Economists

    The Manifesto of the Appalled economists offers a critical presentation of ten premises that still inspire decisions of public authorities all over Europe every day,…

  • The State of the Media in Italy: A European Problem

    European Alternatives published a Dossier on the state of media freedom and pluralism in Italy, concluding that ongoing intimidation and censorship in the country constitutes…

  • The Myth of Europa – October 2009

    With articles by Saskia Sassen, Sandro Mezzadra, Nikos Papastergiadis, Umut Erel, and more.

  • The Myth of Europa – May 2009

    With articles by Etienne Balibar, Rosi Braidotti, Immanuel Wallerstein, Oliver Charnin and more.

  • The Myth of Europa – March 2009

    With articles by Samir Amin, Boyan Manchev, Carlos Vergara, Rasheed Araeen, and more.

  • The Myth of Europa – January 2009

    With articles by Alfredo Jaar, Josefina Alcazar, Paul Gilroy, Sandro Mezzadra, and more.