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Home / Events / Past events / Workshop with Lena Chen: Writing an Anti-Manual for Feminist and Decolonial Art

Workshop with Lena Chen: Writing an Anti-Manual for Feminist and Decolonial Art

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Release, envision, and manifest: join us for a collective ritual imagining an art world free of patriarchy and colonialism. Through embodied practices and facilitated storytelling, we invite you to share your personal experiences and struggles as artists and cultural producers. We will then use guided visualization, free writing, and collective drawing to imagine and manifest a feminist art world.
These conversations will contribute toward the creation of a manifesto that offers guidelines for feminist and decolonial arts management practices.
Lena Chen is a Chinese American writer and artist creating performances and socially engaged art. A recipient of Mozilla Foundation’s 2022 Creative Media Award and “Best Emerging Talent” at the 2019 B3 Biennial of the Moving Image, her work has appeared at Transmediale, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Färgfabriken, Baltimore Museum of Art, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Sheffield DocFest, Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville, among others.
She has been awarded grants and residencies from Sundance Institute, Millay Colony for the Arts, Burning Man Global Arts Fund, Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, Pittsburgh Foundation, and Arthur Boskamp Foundation. She has spoken at Oxford, Yale, Stanford, and SXSW. She is founder of Heal Her, an expressive arts initiative that supports survivors of gender-based violence.
Currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Performance Studies from the University of California, Berkeley, she earned a B.A. in sociology from Harvard University and a M.F.A. from Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Art.
Lena Chen is a member of the Room to Bloom community and resident with Studio Rizoma.
Founder, Heal Her