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Home / Events / Past events / WOMEN IN STEM


On 05/03 in Ruse was held «WOMEN IN STEM» DISCUSSION organized by Ruse University and Soroptimist International (SI) Club Ruse.Soroptimist is a global volunteer movement aiming at transformation of the lives of women and girls. It’s network is around 66,000 club members in 120 countries and works at a local, national and international level to Educate, Empower and Enable opportunities for women and girls. The event was dedicated to March 8th – International Day of Women and we sticked the conversation to Women in STEM as participants were mainly professors and PhD Students at Ruse University and member of SI. Topics included the EU approach to Women in STEM, the rights and possibilities for women researchers (a brief overview of different programs and initiatives on EU level). The DEMO participant Diana Georgieva was the main presenter.