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Home / Events / Past events / International Workshop in Paris | Odyssey in Utero

International Workshop in Paris | Odyssey in Utero

How is our relationship with our bodies affected by digital transformation? This question will be at the core of the participative workshop Odyssey in Utero by T.I.E (visual and performance artist), Allie Rozetta (visual artist), and Djimadjim (sound and kinesthetic artist).

This function of the uterus as a place of transformation will be the central axis in this workshop that aims to interrogate women’s link to the uterus, natural forces, and bodies in a world that is more and more virtually connected.

In an immersive device, in a closed space, the artists and participants will explore the link to the real by translating the reality of body sensations, emotions, and feelings through digital tools.

Based on the practice of the circle of women, this workshop has been conceived as a performative ritual. It invites the participants to intentionally invest in the gesture and questions their presence in the world, in connection with their environments. It calls on the necessity to let vital flows circulate between the visible and the invisible and brings us back to the strength of the incarnation, using the body as a vehicle of the intangible.

Register to participate

You can sign up until noon on October 24 at the following link: