Mar 17, 2023
Democracy, Ecology and Liberty beyond borders: a citizens’ summit for a pan-European government plan
In just over one year, the European Elections will be here, and right after that the new European Commission will be nominated. The months ahead will give us a terrific opportunity to put on the EU agenda radical reforms for democracy, sustainability, civil and social rights.
To do that a coordinated nonviolent and popular mobilization is necessary. This is why we need to meet in person!
“European Alternatives” and “Eumans” are inviting you to Gdansk, Poland, at the European Solidarity Center (pI. Solidarności 1, 80-863) from 17 to 19 March, to “Democracy, Ecology and Liberty beyond borders. A citizens summit for a paneuropean government plan”.
The meeting will provide us with an opportunity to decide concrete articulated proposals – starting from the recommendations of the Conference on the Future of Europe – to be pursued through European Citizens Initiatives, popular assemblies and other participatory and institutional ways.
Poland is a crucial place in Europe for the challenges it poses to the Rule of Law, a country that despite those violations of rights has a vibrant civil society with scores of proposals to address vital aspects of liberal-democracy and the ascertainment of individual rights. The Polish national elections scheduled for this autumn, Polands’ key role in Europe’s response to the war waged by Russia, and its relationship with Ukraine are only a few additional reasons why we believe Gdansk is the place!
- Below we are happy to share some of the issues currently being discussed in an open participatory process that started in Bologna, Italy on 4 February and that will be finalised in Gdansk:- A campaign to strengthen European Democracy starting from the follow up to the Conference on the Future of Europe: European Digital identity, a permanent European Citizens Assembly, transnational lists and other forms of transnational civic participation (Draft Text for a European Citizens Initiative);
- A European fair climate policy to exit fossil fuel by 2035; (Draft Text for a European Citizens Initiative)
- A human rights centered approach to cannabis legalization; (Draft Tex for a European Citizens Initiative)
- Include safe abortion in the European Charter of fundamental human rights; (Draft Text for a European Citizens Initiative)
- Include Voluntary Assisted Dying in the European Charter of fundamental human rights; (Essential Documents: Transeuropa Assembly Declaration + European Living Will Research)
- Create a humane and effective EU mechanism for asylum seekers and migrants in line with the obligation of international law;
- Launch a system for universal basic services and income in the EU.
- Other issues to be furthered developed: science and innovation (genome editing and stem cell research, psychedelics), gender/equality and other proposals coming from the Conference on the future of Europe
Anyone, be they individuals or organisations, is invited to to take part in the campaign, or support only some of these initiatives, and eventually use them for campaigning in the next European elections.
You can register at this link and donate to support the organisation of the event here. If you are interested in attending the event or part of it and / or to participate in the drafting of the paneuropean government proposals, please email us to