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Home / Resources / News / EU Conference on Migrants’ Rights and Free Movement of Citizens

EU Conference on Migrants’ Rights and Free Movement of Citizens

Thank you!

The LasciateCIEntrare Campaign, European Alternatives and the local organising committee would like to thank all participants, speakers,  MEPs, institutions, sponsors, partner organisations involved and volunteers for helping to make “The Routinisation of Administrative Detention of Migrants and Free Movement of Citizens: Time to Explore Alternatives” conference held yesterday in Brussels, European Parliament, such a success.

In the context of a renewed concern and involvement by citizens across Europe in the issue of migrants’ rights, the review of the “Returns Directive” as well as the run-up to the European Elections, the conference brought together a very diverse group of activists, journalists, legal experts, NGOs representatives as well as representatives of national governments, and researchers from across the world who presented, discussed, and exchanged a broad range of ideas on topics related to the detention of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees and its alternatives.

Post-Conference Information:


Welcome by Silvia Costa (S&D), Marie-Christine Vergiat (GUE NGL), Hélène Flautre (Greens/EFA), Members of the European Parliament

Opening and keynote from Dr. Cécile Kyenge Kashetu, Minister for Integration, Italy

Session 1: “The administrative detention of migrants: Normative and critical perspectives on European policies

with Costanza Hermanin (Open Society Foundations) and Jerome Phelps (Detention Action, IDC Regional Representative for Western Europe); chair: Lorenzo Marsili (European Alternatives).

Session 2: “The right of access to detention centres in Europe: The experience of citizens campaigns in Europe

with Damienne Martin (CIRÉ / Open Access Now), Gabriella Guido (LasciateCIEntrare Campaign) and Mikel Araguás Cerezo (Federación Andalucía Acoge / PICUM / Migreurop); chair: Ségolène Pruvot (European Alternatives / Alternatives Européennes).

Session 3: “Beyond Access: The active role of civil society in contrasting detention and proposing solutions
and campaigns for a new European migration policy

with Philip Amaral (Jesuit Refugee Service), Ulrich Stege (International University College of Turin / ASGI – Immigration Law Studies Association), Pietro Soldini (CGIL – Italian General Confederation of Labour / LasciateCIEntrare), Conny Reuter (SOLIDAR); chair: Niccolo Milanese (European Alternatives).

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