Dec 5, 2019
Beyond the jungle, another Europe of solidarity and justice exists
The last few years have been challenging times for Europe. a dysfunctional democratic system combined with a lack of vision and political imagination, have led many people back to nationalism. And we know this only makes the problem worse. Without challenging neo-liberal capitalism and bigotry across borders, too much wealth stays in too few hands, damage to the climate will be irreversible, people’s rights, from clean air and free movement, are taken away. All those trends are toxic to democracy and human rights and need a transnational response!
Join European Alternatives for as little as 5€ / month and help create spaces to fight back and push for alternatives >>
Beyond the jungle, we know that people are already developing answers. For over 12 years, we brought thousands of them together, citizens, activists and civil society actors, to learn from each other and inspire new ideas, campaign for change, or reflect and strategize for new alternatives in Europe. Together, we are pioneering new forms of participating in democracy and are challenging European institutions through transnational solidarity actions.
More than ever, we need your support! Our plan is to:
- Produce and share knowledge that can inspire and support alternatives to emerge, locally and transnationally.
- further develop a School of European Alternatives to build organizing capacity and power of people to campaign for a just, open and sustainable world.
- lead more innovative civic and cultural projects like Transeuropa Festival that can shift narratives and imaginations to strengthen fundamental rights in Europe and the world.
Your membership fee is important in making this happen and give us freedom to shape the sustainable exchange platform that we need, less dependent on short-term funding.
Join European Alternatives for 5€/month and help us be stronger and independent >>
Acting transnationally is not an easy task. But we are a large network of activists and civil society, aware that solutions to our problems are to be found both on the local level and beyond borders. Let’s build our power and create the Europe we want to live in!