Berlin - May 19, 2019 at 11:30h
Open Meeting Point #1EuropaFürAlle Demonstration
On May 19, tens of thousands of peoole will join the Ein Europa Für Alle demonstration in Berlin and all over Europe to stand against nationalism and for an open, equitable and sustainable Europe.
You want to join in Berlin but do not know yet where and with whom? Join European May and European Alternatives at the demonstration in front of the Karstadt (Alexanderstr. 9). We will gather as progressive and anti-fascist European activists that connect and collaborate across geographic and cultural borders.
>> We will gather around the pink European May flag and the red European Alternatives flag! <<
Another Europe is in the Making and it’s time for people in Europe to stand up for each other, no matter what we look like and where we live. When we come together this May we can make Europe a place where politics and communities care for everyone, without exceptions. For this to happen, come on the streets and vote for anti-fascist, solidary and progressive candidates!