Jun 4, 2013
25th September, London: Debate, ‘Is Europe Neoliberal?’
Saturday 25th of September, 4.30pm – 6pm
Hanbury Hall 22a Hanbury Street, London, E1 6QR
Free entry
The European Union is often accused of being a neoliberal construction. 20 years after the fall of the Berlin wall, is it true that history has come to an end? How does the point of view differ between East and West Europe? This public debate addressing the economic, social and democratic dimensions of this question and comparing the situation in ‘Eastern’ and ‘Western’ Europe. The ambition of the discussion will be to begin to sketch the outlines of potential political and civil action directed at the European level in the context of widespread public questioning of the current status quo.
Speakers will include:
Sasha Jankovskia, European Commission DG Economic and Financial Affairs
Juraj Draxler, CEPS Brussels
Niccolo Milanese, European Alternatives In partnership with the European Commission Representation UK and NCVO