Nov 16, 2016
#AlternativesNow: Change Europe with us
The last years have been very challenging one for Europe. From the financial and euro crisis, the rise of far-right political forces all around Europe, the war in Ukraine, to the self-made refugee ‘crisis’, Brexit and the authoritarian repression in Turkey, many of us are now experiencing the Europe we do not want to live in. All those trends are toxic to democracy and human rights and, as they are becoming the norm, we need a transnational response reclaiming Europe and pushing for #alternativesnow.
Support us and help us fight back and push for alternatives
Over the past 10 years, together with our partners and members, we have brought thousands of activists and civil society actors together to learn from each other and inspire news ideas of programs and campaigns for change. Only cooperation and organising beyond borders, connecting the local to the transnational, can shift power to the people in European and succeed over the rise of the far-right and the powers of neo-liberalism. In the run up of our 10th anniversary, we demand #alternativesnow.
By supporting European Alternatives, its partners and members, you are giving us the chance to shape the Europe we want to live in:
- Citizen-led and open European political institutions, parties and other forms of governance connecting the local to the transnational
- Creative cultures and alternative media that questions politics as usual
- Inclusive European citizenship guaranteeing fundamental human rights
- Alternative, anti-oppressive and socially inclusive economic models promoting solidarity, mutual care and responsibility.
Without your help, no transnational action is possible. Donate any amount to support our community and demand #alternativesnow