Marina Garcés: Vivimos una crisis de soberanía más que un combate entre identidades
Black Lives Matter Denmark: interview with Bwalya Sørensen
Erkan Özgen: Kurdish artist
The path forwards with Miguel Urban and Lorenzo Marsili
Feminism in Belarus: What is Make Out?
Power Coalitions (Talk Real in Rijeka)
Marcelo Expósito – Barcelona en Comú
Tania Bruguera: Feminist art is for me a conversation about power
Maria Hlavajova: Art and social change in Eastern Europe
Juan Carlos Monedero (interview with the co-founder of Podemos)
Positions on Corruption
European Activism: What grassroots alternatives are growing across Europe?
Environmental racism in Eastern Europe
Social Movements in the Balkans: From Protests to Plenums
Luca Casarini in the launching event of DiEM25
Sandro Mezzadra about DiEM25
La sinistra e l’Europa
Democracy in Europe: DiEM25 in Rome with Yanis Varoufakis
DiEM25 a Roma con Yanis Varoufakis
Talk Real London « Exit Europe?
¿PlanB para Europa? Miguel Urbán y Lorenzo Marsili
Caroline Lucas: Another Europe beyond Brexit
Julien Bayou (Europe Ecologie – Les Verts)