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Home / Resources / Videos / Lectures & Training
  • Translocal Activism & The Art of Transnational Organizing: Online Course: Session 1

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  • Artsformation Summit: Cyberspaces for social practice: XR,cyberfeminism & the digital non-binary

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  • Power to the People #6 – “Chi decide in Europa? Per gli agricoltori, la natura e i consumatori”

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  • Power to the People Webinar #6 – „Wer entscheidet in Europa? … für Landwirte, Natur und Verbraucher“

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  • Power to the People Webinar – Who Decides in Europe? … For Farmers, Nature & Consumers”

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  • Decolonising Transnationalism: Online Course: Session 2 – Conversation with Aarti J Narsee.

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  • Climate Fatigue: How to turn powerlessness into change? – A Power to the People webinar

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  • Eco-ansia: come trasformare il senso d’impotenza in cambiamento?” Webinar di “Power to the People

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  • “Fatigue climatique : comment dépasser le sentiment d’impuissance ?” Power to the People webinaire

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  • Klima-Erschöpfung: Wie aus Ohnmacht Veränderung werden kann” – Webinar von Power to the People

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  • Keynote Speech by Daniel Gutierrez – »Voters Without Borders«

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  • End of Life Decisions and Palliative Care: the Transnational European Assembly

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  • Week 4 – Interview with Emilia Roig (Center for Intersectional Justice)

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  • Week 4 – A Human Rights Approach to Action

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  • Week 4 – Preparing for taking Action against Hate Speech

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  • Week 3 – What hate speech is, is controversial

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  • Week 2 – The Human Rights Protection System

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  • Week 2 – The history and evolution of Human Rights

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  • Week 2 – What are Human Rights?

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  • Week 1 – Forms of Hate Speech

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  • Week 1 – What is Hate Speech?

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  • Delivery Workers in the Platform Economy

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  • Care Workers in the Health Sector

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  • Workers Without Borders in Conversation with EU Policy Makers

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