Critical Change Labs
Che cos’è il Critical ChangeLab? Critical ChangeLab (CCL) è un progetto di ricerca condotto da un partenariato di 10 organizzazioni in tutta Europa. Consiste in…
Next Time
Come vengono affrontate a livello europeo le questioni di politica pubblica che mobilitano i giovani di oggi? Questa serie di podcast è stata concepita come…
Democratic Odyssey
A decentralised, collaborative and transparent exercise of crowdsourcing and co-creation which seeks to institutionalise a permanent peoples’ assembly and participatory ecosystem in Europe
New Challenges
New Challenges on the Urban Periphery is a project using the concepts of co-creation, a research method using creativity to co-produce knowledge with academics, communities…
FiERCE is a research project providing knowledge and tools for revitalizing alliances between feminist movements, civil society and political decision makers.
Movement Learning Catalyst
A training and action learning programme strengthening the ecology of social movements and enhancing capacity for transversal and transnational organising
Feminist Peace Practices
The Feminist Peace Practices project (FPP) engages in contextualising and highlighting transnational feminist peacebuilding interventions, particularly those that employ the use of arts and culture,…
Generation D Liberation
Generation D Liberation works to engage young people on the topic of Europe and support them with the resources they need to form their vision…