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Home / Projects / Assemble
  • Democratic Odyssey

    A decentralised, collaborative and transparent exercise of crowdsourcing and co-creation which seeks to institutionalise a permanent peoples’ assembly and participatory ecosystem in Europe

  • TRANSEUROPA Assemblies

    A series of citizens assemblies taking place across the continent, TransEuropa Assemblies is engaging citizens and residents of the EU in a deliberation of their…

  • FiERCE

    FiERCE is a research project providing knowledge and tools for revitalizing alliances between feminist movements, civil society and political decision makers.

  • Youth Movement & Campaign Accelerator

    The Youth Movement & Campaign Accelerator is part of European Alternatives’ School of Transnational Organizing and offers European youth and community leaders a space to…

  • Generation D Liberation

    Generation D Liberation works to engage young people on the topic of Europe and support them with the resources they need to form their vision…

  • Council Forum on European Democracy

    The Civic Council on European Democracy is a platform that brings about energetic proposals to shake and reshape the European myth, bringing about new stories…

  • Assemblies of Solidarity

    ‘Assemblies of Solidarity’ is a citizens-led engagement and communications project, aiming at connecting groups that are disproportionately affected by Covid-19.

  • Artsformation

    Artsformation is a research project that aims to understand, analyse, and promote the ways in which the Arts can reinforce the social, cultural, economic, and…