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Home / Resources / Videos / Page 3
  • Emerald City by Stefania Artusi – Between Land and Sea

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  • A Space to Hold – Between Land and Sea

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  • Artsformation – Between Land and Sea International Workshop 1

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  • Week 4 – Interview with Emilia Roig (Center for Intersectional Justice)

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  • Week 4 – A Human Rights Approach to Action

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  • Week 4 – Preparing for taking Action against Hate Speech

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  • Week 3 – What hate speech is, is controversial

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  • Week 2 – The Human Rights Protection System

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  • Week 2 – The history and evolution of Human Rights

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  • Week 2 – What are Human Rights?

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  • Week 1 – Forms of Hate Speech

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  • Week 1 – Causes and Consequences of Hate Speech

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  • Week 1 – What is Hate Speech?

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  • Room to Bloom – Palermo Living Pavilion

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  • Delivery Workers in the Platform Economy

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  • Care Workers in the Health Sector

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  • What is the Conference on the Future of Europe?

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  • Artsformation – Between Land and Sea

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  • Workers Without Borders in Conversation with EU Policy Makers

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  • The Handbook for Transnational Activists – Book Presentation

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  • Video Foreword – The Online Handbook for Transnational Activists

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  • Room to Bloom – performance 1 Athens

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  • Skillsharing Workshop by Lara Parizotto – »Voters Without Borders«

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  • »Full Political Rights Should Not Be Tied To National Citizenship«

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