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Home / Resources / Videos / Page 2
  • ARTSFORMATION—Five minutes with: T.I.E.

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  • ARTSFORMATION—Five minutes with: Caroline Sinders

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  • ARTSFORMATION—Five minutes with: Maitreyi Maheshwari

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  • Artsformation Summit: Cyberspaces for social practice: XR,cyberfeminism & the digital non-binary

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  • Theatre of the Oppressed Retrospective – Transeuropa 2023

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  • Série PATA Retrospective – Transeuropa 2023

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  • Voices from Pâta Rat

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  • Holding Spaces – Transeuropa Festival 2023 Cluj

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  • Power to the People “Qui décide en Europe ? … pour les agriculteurs, la nature et les consommateurs”

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  • Power to the People #6 – “Chi decide in Europa? Per gli agricoltori, la natura e i consumatori”

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  • Power to the People Webinar #6 – „Wer entscheidet in Europa? … für Landwirte, Natur und Verbraucher“

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  • Power to the People Webinar – Who Decides in Europe? … For Farmers, Nature & Consumers”

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  • Decolonising Transnationalism: Online Course: Session 2 – Conversation with Aarti J Narsee.

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  • Interview with Georg Blokus – Transnational European Assemblies

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  • Interview between Ophélie Masson & Niccolò Milanese

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  • Interview with Lidka Makowska – »Transnational European Assemblies«

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  • ENG Climate Fatigue: How to turn powerlessness into change?” – A webinar by “Power to the People”

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  • Keynote Speech by Daniel Gutierrez – »Voters Without Borders«

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  • End of Life Decisions and Palliative Care: the Transnational European Assembly

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  • Assemblies of Solidarity for Climate Action Now! (2022)

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  • Europe Calling Special Power to the People! How can Europe work for everyone?

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  • Assemblies of Solidarity by Laura Parker – Palermo

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  • Palermo Climate Declaration: Avoiding Climate Catastrophe

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  • Between Land and Sea (Palermo 2021)

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